Much of Bren’s childhood was care-free, happy and relatively simple. When she wasn’t franticly drawing mustard, mayo and ketchup faces on meat patties to break the monotony of making burgers at her parent’s Dairy Bar; Bren was left to her own imagination.  Free from adult responsibilities and unlike today’s child, she enjoyed “unstructured” play time.  No schedule jammed with organized sports or activities, no shopping malls, few toys, limited TV, and the absence of a computer to dictate her actions, pacify her imagination, and clutter her curiosity.  Doing “without” cultivated Bren’s sense of wonderment and allowed her to explore, connect and appreciate the surrounding natural beauty of the environment.  Inspired by pictures in National Geographic, she loved digging in the dirt as though on an archeological expedition.  Bren began creating dolls and play things from the buried “treasures” she unearthed and this continues to be visible in her sculptures today.  Her fascination with unearthing deteriorating objects naturally led her to the mediums of clay, wood, glass, scrap metal and hardware.  Bren transforms these common everyday materials into very uncommon works of fine art that are captivating because they are rough, raw, and uncensored.  She does not limit her artistic expression to creating what is merely pleasant to look at or expected. < previous page
